00 Trailer Shit2TalkAbout Sh!t You Don't Want to Talk About

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Hey, fam, my name is Jenn. I can't believe that this is actually happening. Oh my gosh, I am starting a podcast and it's called Sh!t You Don’t Want to Talk About . I've been there that moment where you feel so alone. Like no one in the world can understand what you're going through where your deepest darkest areas feel like you can't crawl out and that whatever happened to you is your fault and it's not, I've been there.

Not all of these instances. Now I have been locked away in my room in total solitude for weeks on end with a little port, a potty. I have been through physical, emotional, sexual spiritual, which I didn't know spiritual and intellectual were things, but they really are abuse. I have done self harm, been raped.

As humans, we are so courageous and we can get through this and really connect when we open up and share our stories.And I know for myself, one of the biggest things that I, I wish I had, especially as an only child is someone that I knew was going through this too and really being able to see that they got through it and are on the other side that they're doing amazing things with their life and how to change this mindset from shit you don't wanna talk about to shit to talk about and that, that comes down to concepts like racial bias and the systemic issues that we have and we have speakers coming on and guests coming on that talk about generational trauma that has gone into it or issues that they see in just trying to share their stories to men's mental health and how that's still not accepted. And when women are being told to be quiet and men cannot cry, we need to break this system and realize that we are human and we are ever evolving, including making sure that we ha we support our community of the LGBTQ+ and that we are there for any of our Hispanic or indigenous or Asian or anyone that is not of like ourselves. And this is across cultures across the world. And the only goal for this, the biggest goal for this, I should say, not only so that way, you know, you're not alone and that you can share your story and hear other people's stories. I am so excited for you to be on this crazy adventure with me.

I will be posting two episodes per week and you'll be able to check them out on youtube first where you can see that we come in all different shapes and sizes. It is not a one size fits all because mental health does not discriminate. Thank you all. I look forward to you being on this adventure.


S1 E1 Shit2TalkAbout Jenn has Sh!t You Don't Want to Talk About